Hello Team Canada from Costa Rica! Well day One is almost over and my cup is full! What an amazing Origins Experience it has been so far! We started with 2 hours of orientation from Dub Hay, partners from the Farmer Support Center and Starbucks Coffee Buying group. A ton of coffee knowledge from the best coffee people in the world! Talked a lot about CAFÉ practices, Fair Trade, etc…. We visited the La Ceiba nursery first, appropriately, since this is where all coffee really begins life. From there we travelled to Bella Vista Tres Rios coffee estate, as you know Starbucks purchases lots of coffee from there. We had our first 3 agronomy classes in the field with the very knowledgeable partners from the Farmer Support Center, Carlos and Orlando. This included picking coffee! (yes I ate a few coffee cherries! Very sweet & tasty, also dropped way too many cherries on the ground, will deal with that at confessional!) I could not stop taking pictures of coffee trees overflowing with ripe cherries! We finished our day at Bella Vista surrounded by all of the coffee pickers and their families bringing in the coffee they picked that day, filling the trucks and getting paid. It was an amazing and humbling human coffee connection. I have 100’s of pictures and stories just from today to share with anyone who will listen when I return!
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