We are home now, & so eager to host our first tastings, & to share more of our journey with you all! We will never look at coffee or a coffee tasting quite the same again! A wealth of new, & deeper knowledge and a closeness to the people within our Farmer Support Center, as well as Costa Rica, has changed that for all of us, for the better. Here are just a few of my favorites from the last 3 days! Enjoy!
Seedling plants at the nursery, Pam taking a soil sample during her learning's with Earthwatch, a photo with one of our farmers - Ernesto & wife Carmen at Coope Dota, a farmer bringing in his coffee cherries for weighing, & processing, beans that have been washed, but have parchment still on & will go to drying stage next, our leader Cindy, raking beans to help them dry, parchment, Orlando & Carlos Mario from our Farmer Support Center, planting a coffee tree, volcanic soil, our Cafe Practices sign hangs in the mill at Las Marias, green coffee ready for tasting, shipping.